Kichidenji (1/4)
(Pokkuri Temple)

Kichidenji (pron.:kee-tchih-denn-jee) is the official name of a temple. However, the temple is also widely known as Pokkuri temple. Pokkuri means softly (collapse) or suddenly ( die without any harm). This adverb "Pokkuri" has not pessimistic sound to ears of Japanese people.

It is said the temple was founded in 987 by high-ranked monk "Genshin".
The legend says that when Genshin's mother was near to die, the monk prayed, in front of Amida bodhisattva statue, underwear of his mother for protecting her body from any harm. After he had let his mother to put on the prayed underwear, her life ceased without any pains, any sufferings .

People have believed, if you put on the underwear prayed in this temple, you will die softly and suddenly like the monk's mother, or positively saying, you may be always healthy whenever you are alive.
Even today, many visitors are coming to this temple, carrying their underwears to be prayed, for hoping no-illness lives.

The temple surrounded with woods.Entrance path to the temple

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Amida bodhisattva
